Setup Custom Githubpages Theme

1 minute read

This article will guide you to quickly setup your custom Github pages theme using Jekyll

  • Requirements and setup
  • Install Jekyll
  • Setup and Build the theme using Jekyll

Requirements and setup

We are using Ubuntu 20.04 and Bundler to install and run a Jekyll project.

  1. Install Ruby and verify if its configured correctly
    ruby ---version
  2. Install bundler
    gem install bundler

Install Jekyll

  1. Create a new Gemfile (name it as Gemfile without any extension) and add following lines
    source ''
    gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins
  2. Install jekyll using bundler
    bundle install

Setup and Build the theme using jekyll

  1. Run below command to setup a new jekyll theme project
    bundle exec jekyll _3.3.0_ new
  2. Navigate to the newly created project
  3. Run git init command to initialize a repository
    $ git init
  4. Create a new repository on github with name as <git_username>
  5. Back in your terminal, connect your theme project with the remote repo
    git remote add origin<git_username>
  6. Test your theme project by running below command (site can be viewed by browsing http://localhost:4000/)
    bundle exec jekyll serve
  7. Add, Commit and push all your changes
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
    git push -u orgin main
  8. Browse your github pages site using the same repo name i.e. Note that your repo needs to be public in order to work.

Jekyll plugins/gems can be updated using bundle update
